Sri Lanka has long been renowned
for its gems. The history of the gems of Sri Lanka can be traced back some
3,000 years or so. They are part of many legends, folk lore and literary works.
In the chronicles, reference is made to gems being brought from Ceylon to the
court of Solomon. A gemstone is the naturally occurring crystalline form
of a mineral which is desirable for its beauty, valuable in its rarity, and
durable enough to be enjoyed for generations. There are more than 30 popular
gem varieties and many more rare collector gemstones. Some varieties also come
in a range of colors. Investigations
made by experts have revealed that there are gem deposits almost in every part
of the country except in the northern part of the country. The gem deposits so
far identified are of two types as primary deposits and secondary deposits.
Both traditional gem mining and mechanical gem mining are the methods been used
in the process of gem extraction in the country. Traditional mining is more
environmental friendly and is economically viable ompared to the mechanical
gem mining process whereas the mechanical gem mining process
whereas the
mechanical gem mining process could give rise to more environmental issues.
The gem industry
which is one of the oldest traditional industries in SriLanka and the places
like Rathnapura and Moneragala.
Influence of gems
From the time immemorial gems
have been used by people in different ways. It has curative power as well as
the power to pour in fortune and drive away the evil of our planetary position.
Certain gems and stones have magical powers of healing and fortune giving .Our
health problems can be minimized by imputing a particular colour in our body
and adjusting the colour rays to get rid of health problems by wearing the
correct gems.
Gems work magically and do
wonders when make the ring at the appropriate period of the transit of planets,
and after doing the necessary rituals. Gem stones are useful for our
health, longevity, name, fame, prosperity and all fortunes.
Gems of Srilanka highlight
- Sapphire
Sapphire is
an aluminum oxide. Its colour varies from very light to dark blue to
violetish-blue, bluish-green, yellow, slightly reddish-orange, brown, nearly
opaque black, colourless, pink, violet and the pinkish-orange padparadscha
(lotus flower).

Environment pollution
- Ruby
- Alexandrite
Environment pollution
mining provides people many needed resources, the environmental costs can be
high. Surface mining clears the landscape of trees and soil nearby streams and
lakes are inundated with sediment. Pollutants from the mined rock, such as
heavy metals, enter the sediment and water system. Acids flow from some mine
sites, changing the composition of nearby waterways.
of gem mining
- The rehabilitated land can be used for other purpose such as constructions, cultivations…etc.
- Generating direct and indirect job opportunities through the gem industry
- Ability to enhance the efficiency of irrigation system through the control of sedimentation
- The crisis of power generation against the siltation in reservoirs can be minimized through the control of sedimentation
- Ability to control floods through the control of sedimentation in rivers, streams and canals
- Sri Lanka's environmental challenges(2012),Retrieved on January 3, 2012 from ,
- Ethical mining and fair trade(2005),Retrieved on January 2, 2012 from ,
Abitha Arasalingam
Environmental friendly techniques in gem mining & processing can contribute towards the increased national revenue of the country minimizing the environmental damages and risk that can arise throughout the process.